5th Gunbot Permanent Tournament Interview to the Winner
5th Gunbot Permanent Tournament Interview to the Winner
Check Out Our Interview with the Winner, and Get into the Mind of the Campion. Can you beat him in this Round?
We interview the champion SEFTL to know more about the best trader in our community: the champion of the fifth permanent Gunbot Liquidity Mining First-Ever Multi-Exchange Tournament.
Gunbot Permanent Tournament Interview
1. Why did you choose Gunbot as your bot for trading crypto?
— Tapped into Gunbot back then in 2018 after emotionally failing to sell at least around the top. So I needed a tool to remove (some) emotions from my first steps in trading: doing some research, found Gunbot, and never left it since its three currencies have very high value: community, b00bs & GUNTHY.
2. What’s the best feature for you of Gunbot bot?.
— Market-Maker with AC.
3. What strategy did you use and wallet balance in the tournament ?.
— Mixture of own AC, Q, and ARS: Started with 30k wallet. But the available Margin didn’t grow as much as WalletBalance since there is always a lot of UPNL waiting to get reduced or averaged out. Don’t be fooled by big numbers and think: Oh well, he is using Q/ARS lets buy that, and then soon, Lambo. Get used to risk-management first, get rekt with little wallet, get better and withdraw some gains when it is working well. Rekt is just a question of time.