


bitRage Crypto Arbitrage Trading bot Released

bitRage Telegram beta room was created on Thursday, March 28, 2019, with the name “Gunbot Special”, since the people on that channel are considered special for Gunthar, then we switched to Gunbot Special (PG) on April 29 of the same year and still running strong and testing new builds at a very fast developing pace, there is also the bitRage Official Room where every new member is welcomed and given the tools and necessary information and support to run a successful bot the fastest way possible.

On September 28, 2019, Gunthar released the bitRage code name Plaeidades, with this note in the changelog, “this is the first merge of our products that aim to build the perfect money machine, the first 2 sisters (Gunbot and bitRage) are here”. It was the first beta version of bitRage/Gunbot merged in one product, we’ve been using the two products as one since then.

bitRage is perfectly programmed to profit from the volatile Bitcoin market and take advantage of the price inconsistency between Altcoins, BTC, and Stable coins.



CryptoDROI Gunbot Official Reseller
CryptoDROI Gunbot Official Reseller

Written by CryptoDROI Gunbot Official Reseller

CryptoDROI Gunbot Official Reseller and Automated Cryptocurrency Trader Get Gunbot the Emotionless Crypto Trading Bot Now at

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