Gunbot Bitget Strategic Partnership Revealed


Gunbot Bitget Strategic Partnership Revealed

Gunthy, the entity behind our Automated Trading Solutions has formed a strategic partnership with bitget Cryptocurrency exchange
Gunbot Bitget Strategic Partnership
Adding Value to our Existing Products is Gunthy LTD’s biggest goal and as part of our ever-growing enterprise, we’ve formed an alliance with bitget, from now on every Gunbot License is granted the ability to trade in Bitget without costing you an API slot.

As a Gunbot user, you are encouraged to register through our partnership link because their API is not open to everyone to avoid some bad requests, but for users registered through our link, when you create your API key it will be on the whitelist directly and activated automatically.

If you register as an individual user, you will have to ask their customer service to activate your account individually.

Sign Up for Gunbot BitGet Strategic Partnership Now!

Here are some highlights About Bitget Crypto Exchange

Bitget is a global cryptocurrency trading platform with its headquarters in Singapore and focused on derivatives trading. Products included are contract trading, spot trading, and global OTC.

Bitget also has offices in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Canada, and more…

At the time of this writing, Bitget has over 900,000 registered users globally, and its contract trading volume ranks in the top five in the world.



CryptoDROI Gunbot Official Reseller
CryptoDROI Gunbot Official Reseller

Written by CryptoDROI Gunbot Official Reseller

CryptoDROI Gunbot Official Reseller and Automated Cryptocurrency Trader Get Gunbot the Emotionless Crypto Trading Bot Now at

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