New GUNTHY Exchange, Gunbot School, and new resellers program: it’s summertime!
Summertime deserves some laziness for our tanned muscles on the beach but….GUNTHY community is always on fire:
Gunbot School, Gunthy Exchange, and the New Resellers Program are Here, Welcome!
— We don’t like the cTrader interface of our exchange, isn’t it? Let’s move on: a new graphical interface, a new app, and over 300 listed coins are coming!!! Starting from the 1st of August the migration to the new platform starts. You have 2 options: withdraw your funds from and create your new account soon as the new platform is published or….just wait and do nothing, the new platform will automatically migrate your old account and balance to the new one! The GUNTHY token listing against the best coins and a liquidity market of over 300 new pairs are going to rock at GUNTHY Exchange!!! Also coming Futures, Perpetuals, and Margin trading with the cooperation and investment of one of the best liquidity providers ever: Binance. Yes…this Summer is tanning GUNTHY Exchange as well…
— The best of our staff members: Exquitas, Narkotix, Uri, BestNAF, and Anon, are going to introduce us to the Gunbot School!!! A free, modern and interactive training course for all of our newcomers and a ticket support system will see dedicated staff that will pay attention and cares about our newcomers 24/7.
Learn all about the Gunbot School and the Gunthy Support System in the Gunbot School Ultimate Guide by CryptoDROI